The Super Hard Drive
The RAIDage high performance Storage towers, in a nutshell, are designed to allow RAID configuration on large data capacity in a compact size. Its no-nonsense design eliminates all other junk that comes with a typical storage server. With its many hot swappable bays, it stores large amounts of data that are ready to be configured to protect valuable contents on your hard drive.
Room for Possibilities
RAIDage also gives you the liberty to customize your configurations through your host controller. In other words, depending on your host controller capabilities, you can have transfer speeds of up to 6.0GB per second. Through a high performing RAID host controller, these storage towers can have raid configurations of 1/0/5/10/ JBOD, which assist to duplicate or mirror hard drives that avoids hard drive failure.
Benefits and Application
As described above, benefits gained from the RAIDage storage towers are endless and the price to pay in exchange for data security is priceless; RAIDage’s brand and storage towers is trustworthy.
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